With some last minute scrambling, the First Friday opening of Call and Response went much better than I had expected. The Canvas was packed from the 4:30 opening until the 7:30 change over to the live show from local band One Aisle Over. Many great conversations with local artists, writers, and art appreciators were had, and many of the piece sold and have continued to sell at a steady clip. We even had the last minute addition of a live guitarist for background music, who offered their services the day before the show opened. I didn't catch his name, though...
It was great fun and a great encouragement to have such a wonderful response to my first real airing of my work in public. I immediately began to brew all sorts of other plans for shows and projects to produce, now that I have successfully gotten myself over the first big bump in the road.
Pictures will come soon, I promise. In all the excitement and sleep deprivation, I failed to bring my camera to capture shots of the visitors, or an close ups of the show. Donna grabbed a few on the Canvas' camera, but we have just not retrieved them yet.
Right. Now to get cracking on new projects! Things to watch out for: short story collection by yours truly, and some hand made graphic short stories, both of which (hopefully) will be available for sale at the Public Market during Thanksgiving weekend. I am splitting a booth with Donna, Misty, Josh, and Olga, all makers of fine and various bits of wonder. Donna and I are also discussing doing a assemblage/collage show sometime next year.
Right. Quit distracting me.
Breaking the Silence
2 weeks ago